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Everyday Sweet Pikelets – 242 calories

Everyday you can enjoy low-fat, low-calorie, no flour pikelets and sweet pancake recipe! No more quilt breakfast. Read more…

Serves: 1 – 242 calories per serve
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

Everyday low-fat, low-calorie, no flour pikelets and pancakes
Everyday low-fat, low-calorie, no flour pikelets and pancakes. Great substitute for sugar and lemon pancakes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes.



60g low fat cottage cheese – 35 calories
2 tablespoons oat bran – 90 calories
1 large egg white – 15 calories
1 x-large whole egg – 90 calories
1 tsp Natvia (stevia powder) – 0 calories
1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon – 2 calories
Squeeze of lemon juice (1/4 small lemon – 30ml) – 10 calories



  1. Place egg white and whole egg in bowl with cottage cheese and mash with a dessert spoon.
  2. Add oat bran , cinnamon and 1/2 tsp Natvia and mix well.
  3. Lightly spray non-stick pan with olive oil and heat(not too hot or smoking)
  4. Spoon pancake mixture into fry-pan dividing into 2-3 portions.
  5. When bubbles form on surface and pikelets are stable enough to flip over. Cook until brown both sides.
  6. Place on plate and squeeze lemon juice over. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 tsp Natvia.


Surprisingly, Natvia goes a long way – further than sugar. Half a teaspoon doesn’t sound like much but is sweet enough to enjoy your new healthy, high-protein, low-carb, low-calorie and low-fat substitute for traditional pikelets!

I often cook this for breakfast as a high protein breakfast. Protein breakfasts ensure you won’t eat too much during the day and are great for accelerating weight loss.

If it becomes a regular recipe make your oatmeal, cinnamon and Natvia mix up in small containers in advance for quicker preparation in the morning.

Great after-school snack that will fill the hungriest of kids and won’t leave them starving right on dinner time.

