Fish & Seafood

Indonesian Scallops – 305 calories

Low calorie recipe - Indonesian Scallops - 305 calories per serve
Low calorie recipe – Indonesian Scallops – 305 calories per serve

Serves: 3 (305 Calories per serve)
Total calories per recipe: 913
Preparation Time: 5 minutes.
290g Broccoli – 50 calories
400g Frozen or fresh scallops – 302 calories
500g Frozen Stir fry vegetables supreme – 165 calories
3 teaspoon Sesame oil – 120 calories
1/2 teaspoon Guar gum (Xanthan gum) – 4 calories
3 Tablespoons Ketjup mantis – 90 calories
1 Tablespoon minced ginger – 15 calories
3 Tablespoons Ketjup mantis – 90 calories
2 Tablespoons oyster sauce – 30 calories
3 Tablespoons Hoi Sin sauce – 99 calories
1/2 inch fresh (frozen) ginger (grated) – 5 calories
Juice of 1/2 large lemon – 15 calories

  1. Wash and cut broccoli into small pieces and set aside.
  2. Combine all sauce ingredients into a bowl.
  3. Combine sesame oil and Guar gum in a small bowl or glass.
  4. Heat no-stick wok or fry-pan and add broccoli and frozen vegetables, frying until thawed.
  5. Add scallops and sauce and stir until cooked.
  6. Lastly add oil mixture and stir though until the juice thickens. Divided mixture into 3 potions and serve.